Born: June 21, 1837, Edg­er­ton (near Bol­ton), Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 30, 1901, Llan­dud­no, Caer­nar­von­shire, Wales.

A student of Hen­ry Smart, Walch played the or­gan at Duke’s Al­ley Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church, Bol­ton (1851); Walms­ley Church (1857); Bridge Street Wes­ley­an Cha­pel (1858); and St. George’s Par­ish Church, Bol­ton (1863). He con­duct­ed the Bol­ton Phil­har­mon­ic Sym­pho­ny (1870-1874), then moved to Bar­row-in-Fur­ness in 1877, where he ran a mu­sic bus­i­ness.



  1. Eagley
  2. Sawley
  3. St. George’s, Bol­ton
  4. Tidings
