Born: May 27, 1821, Spar­tan­burg Coun­ty, South Car­o­li­na.

Died: Ju­ly 28, 1894, Mt. Plea­sant, Ti­tus Coun­ty, Tex­as.

Buried: Ma­son­ic Cem­e­te­ry, Mt. Plea­sant, Tex­as.

Son of Ro­bert White, Jr., and ne­phew of Ben­ja­min White (com­pil­er of The Sac­red Harp), White was in 1839 unit­ed “by experience and bap­tism” with the Ce­dar Springs Bap­tist Church in Spar­tan­burg, South Car­o­li­na. In 1840 he was dis­missed by let­ter, and by 1845 was liv­ing in Win­ston Coun­ty, Mis­sis­sip­pi, where he served as coun­ty clerk. He had moved to Tex­as by 1859, when he was re­ceived by the Car­mel Bap­tist Church in Smith Coun­ty. He and his wife Car­o­line lat­er joined the Ty­ler Bap­tist Church (now the First Bap­tist Church, Ty­ler, Tex­as), cir­ca 1873. Jesse served as a dea­con, and was al­so ve­ry ac­tive in the Cher­o­kee Bap­tist As­so­ci­a­tion. He owned and op­er­at­ed a ho­tel in Tyler, and served as jus­tice of the peace and no­ta­ry pub­lic. In the lat­ter years, Jesse and Car­o­line made their home with their son-in-law and daugh­ter, William T. and Ella May Black, in Mt. Plea­sant, Titus Coun­ty, Texas. Jesse com­posed or ar­ranged sev­er­al piec­es of mu­sic that ap­peared in the Sac­red Harp.


  1. Come, Come, Ye Saints