Born: De­cem­ber 17, 1807, near Ha­ver­hill, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 7, 1892, Hamp­ton Falls, New Hamp­shire.

Buried: Un­ion Cem­e­te­ry, Ames­bu­ry, Mass­a­chu­setts.

At age 22, Whittier be­came ed­it­or of the Amer­i­can Man­u­fac­tur­er in Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts. In 1830, he be­gan ed­it­ing the Ha­ver­hill Ga­zette and the New Eng­land Week­ly Re­view (Hart­ford, Con­nec­ti­cut). In 1835, Whit­tier was elect­ed to the Mass­a­chu­setts leg­is­la­ture. From 1847 to 1859, he wrote for The Na­tion­al Era in Wash­ing­ton, DC. Whittier was in­flu­en­tial in the anti-slave­ry move­ment, and served as sec­re­tary of the Amer­i­can Anti-Slavery So­ci­e­ty. When he moved to Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­vania, he ed­it­ed the Penn­syl­vania Free­man. Mobs at­tacked him sev­er­al times be­cause of his views.

Author of almost 100 hymns, Whit­ti­er was known as Amer­i­ca’s “Quak­er po­et.” His works in­clude:



  1. All as God Wills
  2. All Things Are Thine
  3. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
  4. God Giveth Quietness at Last
  5. Green Earth Sends Its Incense Up, The
  6. Harp at Nature’s Advent Strung, The
  7. Hast Thou, ’Midst Life’s Empty Noises
  8. I Ask Not Now for Gold to Gild
  9. I Bow My Fore­head to the Dust
  10. I Know Not What the Future Hath
  11. Immortal Love, Forever Full
  12. It May Not Be Our Lot
  13. May Freedom Speed Onward, Wherever the Blood
  14. Now Is the Seed Time
  15. O Backward Looking Son of Time
  16. O Beauty, Old Yet Ever New
  17. O Bro­ther Man
  18. O Fairest Born of Love and Light
  19. O He Whom Jesus Loved
  20. O Ho­ly Father, Just and True
  21. O Lord and Mas­ter of Us All
  22. O Love! O Life!
  23. O Maker of the Fruits and Flow­ers
  24. O Not Alone with Outward Sign
  25. O Pure Reformers, Not in Vain
  26. O Sometimes Gleams upon Our Sight
  27. O Thou, at Whose Rebuke the Grave
  28. O Thou, Whose Presence Went Be­fore
  29. O, What Thou Our Feet May Not Tread Where Christ Trod
  30. Our Friend, Our Brother, and Our Lord
  31. Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope
  32. Path of Life We Walk Today, The
  33. Shall We Grow Weary in Our Watch?
  34. Sound over All Wa­ters
  35. Sport of the Changeful Mul­ti­tude
  36. Thine Are All the Gifts, O God
  37. Thou Hast Fallen in Thine Ar­mor
  38. Today, Beneath Thy Chastening Eye
  39. We Faintly Hear, We Dimly See
  40. We See Not, Know Not
  41. We May Not Climb the Heavenly Steeps
  42. When on My Day of Life
  43. Who Fathoms the Eternal Thought
  44. With Silence Only as Their Ben­e­dict­ion
  45. Within the Maddening Maze of Things