
This page lists some of our sources of information, for those in­ter­est­ed in fu­rther study. Anderson, Robert and Gail North. Gos­pel Mu­sic En­cy­clo­pe­dia. New York: Ster­ling Pub­lish­ing Co., Inc., 1979. Baxter, Mrs. J. R. and Videt Polk. Gos­pel Song Writ­ers Bi­o­graphy. Dal­las, Tex­as: Stamps-Bax­ter Mu­sic & Print­ing Com­pa­ny, 1971. Benson, Louis F. Stu­dies of Fa­mil­iar Hymns. Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: The West­min­ster Press, 1921. Belcher, Joseph. Hymns, Their Writers, and Their Influence. Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Lind­say & Blak­is­ton, 1859. Bailey, Albert Edward. The Gos­pel in Hymns. New York: Charles Scrib­ner’s Sons, 1950. Blumhofer, Edith and Mark Noll, editors. Sing­ing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land. Tus­ca­loo­sa, Al­a­ba­ma: The Un­i­ver­si­ty of Al­a­ba­ma Press, 2004. Bradley, Ian. The Book of Hymns. New York: Test­a­ment Books, 1989. Breed, David R. The His­to­ry and Use of Hymns and Hymn-Tunes. Flem­ing H. Re­vell Com­pa­ny, 1903. Brown, Robert K. and Mark R. Nor­ton, eds. The One Year Book of Hymns. Whea­ton, Il­li­nois: Tyn­dale House Pub­lish­ers, Inc., 1995. Brown, Ther­on and He­ze­ki­ah But­te­rworth. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes. New York: Amer­i­can Tract So­ci­e­ty, 1906. Burrage, Hen­ry Sweet­ser. Bap­tist Hymn Writ­ers and Their Hymns. Port­land, Maine: Brown Thurs­ton and Com­pa­ny, 1888. Cecil, Ri­chard. The Life of John New­ton. Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan: Bak­er Book House, 1978. Christ-Janer, Al­bert, Charles W. Hughes & Carle­ton Sprague Smith. Amer­i­can Hymns Old and New. New York: Co­lum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1980. Christ­ian Sci­ence Pub­lish­ing So­ci­e­ty. Con­cord­ance to Christ­ian Sci­ence Hymn­al and Hymn­al Notes. Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: The Christ­ian Sci­ence Pub­lish­ing So­ci­e­ty, 1961. Church, F. For­res­ter and Ter­rence J. Mul­ry. The Mac­mill­an Book of Christ­ian Hymns. New York: Mac­mill­an Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1988. Colles, H. C., ed­it­or. Grove’s Dic­tion­a­ry of Mu­sic and Mu­si­cians, third edi­tion. New York: The Mac­mill­an Com­pa­ny, 1946. Collins, Ace. Sto­ries Be­hind the Hymns That In­spire Amer­i­ca. Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan: Zon­der­van, 2003. Dough, Whit­ney J. The Hymn­writ­ers: Our Un­known Friends. Frank­lin, Ten­nes­see: Pro­vi­dence...