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NetHymnal on Jan 21, 2009 in
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Material on our site which does not have a copyright notice may be considered in the public domain. You may post our public domain MIDI files, scores, pictures, etc. on another Web site, provided you attribute them to NetHymnal & include a link to The design & HTML code of our Web pages are copyrighted, & may not be reproduced. Other copyrighted material is clearly marked as such, & is subject to the usual, unfortunate, legal restrictions. The site name is trademarked to protect our continued ability to use it, since some unethical people have created links with NetHymnal name that lead to other sites. We have tried to be extremely careful to include only material: Which is in the public domain. This includes material which pre-dates copyright laws, and material whose copyright has expired. In the United States, material dated 1922 or earlier is usually in the public domain; other countries’ laws vary.OR For which we have the copyright holder’s permission; permissions are shown on the individual hymn pages. In some cases, we could not fully trace the origin of a hymn, but due to its source, it is believed to be in the public domain. If we have inadvertently included a work with a copyright still in force, let us know & we will remove it immediately. If any copyright infringement has occurred, it was unintentional. This site’s purpose is to provide a worship and teaching resource, and help advance God’s kingdom. To repeat: Please do not download or reproduce any material with a copyright notice, unless the notice grants permission to do so. However, the vast majority of the material in NetHymnal is in the public domain, so enjoy!...
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NetHymnal on Jan 21, 2009 in
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NetHymnal has had visitors from the following countries & regions. The digraph after each name is the ISO 3166-1 country code. Afghanistan (AF) Albania (AL) Algeria (DZ) American Samoa (AS) Andorra (AD) Angola (AO) Anguilla (AI) Antigua & Barbuda (AG) Argentina (AR) Armenia (AM) Aruba (AW) Australia (AU) Austria (AT) Azerbaijan (AZ) Bahamas (BS) Bahrain (BE) Bangladesh (BD) Barbados (BB) Belarus (BY) Belgium (BE) Belize (BZ) Benin (BJ) Bermuda (BM) Bhutan (BT) Bolivia (BO) Bosnia-Herzegovina (BA) Botswana (BW) Brazil (BR) British Indian Ocean Territory (IO) Brunei Darussalam (BN) Bulgaria (BG) Burkina Faso (BF) Burundi (BI) Cambodia (KH) Cameroon (CM) Canada (CA) Cape Verde (CV) Cayman Islands (KY) Central African Republic (CF) Chad (TD) Chile (CL) China (CN) Christmas Island (CX) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC) Colombia (CO) Congo, Democratic Republic of (CD) Congo, People’s Republic of (CG) Cook Islands (CK) Costa Rica (CR) Croatia (HR) Cuba (CU) Cyprus (CY) Czech Republic (CZ) Denmark (DK) Djibouti (DJ) Dominica (DM) Dominican Republic (DO) Ecuador (EC) Egypt (EG) El Salvador (SV) Eritrea (ER) Equatorial Guinea (GQ) Estonia (EE) Ethiopia (ET) Falkland Islands (FK) Faroe Islands (FO) Fiji (FJ) Finland (FI) France (FR) French Southern Territories (TF) Gabon (GA) Gambia (GM) Georgia (GE) Germany (DE) Ghana (GH) Gibraltar (GI) Greece (GR) Greenland (GL) Grenada (GC) Guadeloupe (GP) Guam (GU) Guatemala (GT) Guinea (GN) Guinea-Bissau (GW) Guyana (GY) Haiti (HT) Honduras (HN) Hong Kong (HK) Hungary (HU) Iceland (IS) India (IN) Indonesia (ID) Iran (IR) Iraq (IQ) Ireland (IE) Israel (IL) Italy (IT) Ivory Coast (CI) Jamaica (JM) Japan (JP) Jordan (JO) Kazakhstan (KZ) Kenya (KE) Kiribati (KI) Korea (South) (KR) Kuwait (KW) Kyrgyzstan (KG) Laos (LA) Latvia (LV) Lebanon (LB) Lesotho (LS) Liberia (LR) Libya (LY) Liechtenstein (LI) Lithuania (LT) Luxembourg (LU) Macao (MO) Macedonia (MK) Madagascar (MG) Malawi (MW) Malaysia (MY) Maldives (MV) Mali (ML) Malta (MT) Marshall Islands (MH) Martinique (MQ) Mauritania...
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NetHymnal on Jan 21, 2009 in
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We are often asked to post the following hymns, which are under copyright protection. If anyone can get the copyright owners’ written permission, we will be glad to put them on line so the world can hear their wonderful message! TITLE COPYRIGHT OWNER/ADMINISTATOR Because He Lives Gloria & William Gaither, 1971 Gaither Music CompanyPO Box 737Alexandria, IN 46001 Beyond the Sunset Virgil & Blanche Brock Word Music, Inc. Children of the Heavenly Father Translation by Ernst Olson, 1925 Augsburg Fortress 612.330.3383 800.426.0115, ext. 383 El Shaddai Michael Card & John Thompson, 1981 Whole Armor Publishing Company c/o LITA Music 3609 Donna Kay Drive Nashville, TN 37211 Give Thanks Henry Smith, 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna Music PO Box 851622 Mobile, AL 36685 Great Is the Lord Michael & Deborah Smith, 1982 Meadow Green Music Company He Lives (I Serve a Risen Savior) Alfred H. Ackley, 1933 Word Music, Inc. Here I Am, Lord Daniel Schutte, 1981 OCP Publications 5536 NE Hassalo Portland, OR 97213 Honor and Praise Twila Paris Ariose Music/Mountain Spring Music How Great Thou Art Stuart Hine, 1953 Manna Music PO Box 218 Pacific City, OR 97135 SWEDISH VERSION How Majestic Is Your Name Michael W. Smith, 1981 Meadowgreen Music Company I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry John Ylvisaker, 1985 John Ylvisaker I’ll Fly Away Albert E. Brumley Albert E. Brumley & Sons Down in Memory Valley Powell, MO 65730 In Times Like These Ruth Caye Jones, 1944 Zondervan Music Publishers Lamb of God Twila Paris Straightway Music/ Mountain Spring Music Let There Be Peace on Earth Jill Jackson & Sy Miller, 1955 Jan-Lee Music P.O. Box 279 Big Sur, CA 93920 800-211-8454 Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore (Pescador de Hombres) Cesareo Gabarain/Gertrude Suppe OCP Publications 5536 NE Hassalo Portland, OR 97213 Mansion over the Hilltop Ira Stanphill, 1949 Singspiration Music Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music...
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NetHymnal on Jan 21, 2009 in
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You may search our collection of over 10,000 hymns and...
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NetHymnal on Jan 21, 2009 in
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Choosing hymns for a worship service, but don’t know what they sound like? Now you can find out! Want to include hymn lyrics in your Sunday bulletin? No need to retype them—just cut & paste them from here! Have you been asked to be a song leader, but you can’t read music? Learn the tune here! Are you embarrassed when the church service includes a hymn you don’t know? You came to the right place! Unsure if your congregation is familiar with hymns you want to use? After you choose hymns for a service, put links to them on your church Web site. This lets church members learn the hymns ahead of time. Does your church have a hard time singing certain hymns? Put links to them on your Web site so church members can learn them better. Teach your kids the classic hymns that some modern hymnals no longer carry. Know someone who’s housebound & can’t get to church? The Cyber Hymnal can supplement home worship. Conducting a Bible study? Use the scripture index to find a hymn for the verse(s) you’re working on. Know someone who’s hard of hearing and has difficulty picking up tunes in church? Have him sit down with the Cyber Hymnal & turn up the speaker volume! Need background music for a church Web site? Download one of the public domain MIDI files! Want something different for your church service? Check out the non-English lyrics. Know missionaries who need hymnals? If they have an Internet connection, tell them about this site. Know military personnel or chaplains without a chapel? If they have an Internet connection, tell them about this site! Know someone who home schools their children? The Cyber Hymnal can help kids learn music along with their ABC’s! Tired of watching TV at night? Here’s a chance to learn some new music,...