Hymn Terms

English lang­uage hymns oft­en have words, terms, place names, id­i­oms and con­tract­ions not found in mo­dern speech. This page ex­plains some of them; it is es­pec­ial­ly re­com­mend­ed for those for whom Eng­lish is a se­cond lang­uage. Term Meaning abide, abideth wait, remain abode home accord bestow, grant; agreement, opinion actuate influence, guide addrest addressed Æthiop Ethiopian afford Provide, make available Alpha First let­ter of the Greek al­pha­bet. Oft­en used to re­fer to God, in the phrase “Al­pha and Ome­ga,” mean­ing “the be­gin­ning and the end [of all things]” alas Expresses sorrow or regret anew again, once more anoint sanctify or consecrate apace quickly, immediately apostolic Re­lat­ing to the 12 Apos­tles, their faith or their teach­ing apple (of eye) pupil (of eye) archangel A high rank­ing an­gel art are ascendeth ascends assail attack asunder into separate parts athirst thirsty, or strongly desiring atone pay the penalty for (a crime), make amends attend accompany aye yes, ever bark ship bade commanded, invited bare bore beclouded darkened by clouds befall happen belfry bell tower benediction blessing, praise Bethel A site in Israel which was for­mer­ly a ma­jor cen­ter of wor­ship betide happen Beulah Israel bid utter a greeting or com­mand bidden see “bid” bidst greeted, commanded blest blessed board table brethren brothers builded built Calvary The hill out­side Je­ru­sa­lem where Je­sus was ex­e­cuted Canaan The pre­vi­ous name of the land now oc­cu­pied by Is­rael canst can camest came cark To burden or be bur­dened with trou­ble; wor­ry cento A hymn made up of separate verses from a longer original changest changes chaplet A wreath or garland for the head cherub, cherubim An angel or ce­les­ti­al be­ing clime climate, region clotheth puts clothes on cloven split comest come cometh comes contemn despise covenant a contract or binding agreement crucify To execute a person by hang­ing him on a cross un­til he dies crucifixion...

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