“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3

Words: Jean Mau­burn, Ro­se­tum Ex­er­ci­ti­or­um Spir­it­u­al­i­um et Sa­cra­rum Me­di­ta­ti­on­um, 1494 (Eia mea an­i­ma, Beth­le­hem ea­mus). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by George R. Wood­ward, Songs of Sy­on, 1904; the text be­low is from Mau­burn’s vers­es which be­gin Heu quid ja­ces sta­bu­lo.

Music: Eb­e­ling, Jo­hann G. Eb­e­ling, 1666 (MI­DI, score).

If you have ac­cess to a pic­ture of Jean Mau­burn, George Wood­ward or Jo­hann Eb­e­ling that we could put on­line, please click here.

Ah! Lord God, the world’s Creator,
King of all, great or small,
Earth’s Regenerator;
Art Thou cradled, art Thou crying,
Swathed and bound, on the ground,
In the stable lying?

“Love of man hath brought Me hither,
Cords of love, from above,
To exalt him thither;
Dead in trespass, child, I sought thee;
Gone astray, from My way,
Life and pardon brought thee.”

“Empty be My scrip and coffer,
Yet ’tis wealth, plenty, health,
I am come to offer;
Haste I to enrich and dress thee;
Born to die, low I lie,
And would gladly bless thee.”

Therefore thousand thousand praises
Are Thy due, Babe Jesu,
These my heart upraises;
Angels, mortals, furthest, nighest,
Sing in mirth, “Peace on earth,
Glory in the highest.”

Adoration of the Magi, by Diego Rodriguez de Silva Velazquez (1599-1660)