Words: , 1997:
The first known public performance of this hymn was at United Methodist Church of the Servant, February 24, 2002. Music: Bunessan, traditional Gaelic melody. |
ALWAYS AND EVER © 1997 Richard W. Adams
These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions,
provided they are not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
Always and ever, God reigns eternal,
Ceaseless, unchanging, Ancient of Days.
From choirs below and angels supernal
Alpha-Omega hears endless praise.
In the beginning, ere the first star birth,
There was the Father, Spirit and Son.
Maker, Creator, Heaven and earth
Sprang from His will—the plan was begun.
Down through the ages, secrets unlocking,
To save a people fettered with sin,
He sent the Word. He’s tenderly knocking:
Open your heart and let Him come in.
Always and ever, you can be with Him
In paradise, there no more to grieve.
Praising forever, Savior and Sovereign
Through endless ages—only believe!
ALWAYS AND EVER © 1997 Richard W. Adams
These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions,
provided they are not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
Dedicated to my parents, Jim & Betty Adams, on their 50th wedding anniversary, September 20, 1997. May they be together “Always and Ever,” in this life and the next. |