Words: , Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779). New­ton’s orig­in­al, long­er, ver­sion be­gan “If Sol­o­mon for wis­dom prayed.” The short­er ver­sion be­low ap­peared in the Ar­min­i­an Mag­a­zine, 1781.

Music: Hes­perus, , 1854; first pub­lished in A Hymn­al for Use in the Eng­lish Church, by J. Grey, 1866.

And dost Thou say, “Ask what thou wilt”?
Lord, I would seize the golden hour;
I pray to be released from guilt,
And freed from sin and Satan’s power.

More of Thy presence, Lord, impart,
More of Thine image let me bear;
Erect Thy throne within my heart,
And reign without a rival there.

Give me to read my pardon sealed,
And from Thy joy to draw my strength;
To have Thy boundless love revealed
In all its height, and breadth, and length.

Grant these requests—I ask no more,
But to Thy care the rest resign;
Living or dying, rich or poor,
All shall be well if Thou art mine.