Words: , in Good News, or Songs and Tunes for Sun­day Schools, Christ­ian As­so­ci­a­tions, and Spe­cial Meet­ings, ed­it­ed by Rig­don M. Mc­In­tosh (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1876).

Music: . Note: Each verse re­peats af­ter the chor­us.

O’er the hills and adown the snowy dells,
As the echoes ring of the Christmas bells,
Angel songs in our hearts resound again,
Singing peace on earth and good will to men!


Bring pine and fir tree, weave the garlands bright,
Gladden the temple of the King tonight!
Christmas is here! Fill it with cheer;
Make it glorious with joy and light.

Bring good will to the suffering and sad;
Speak the tender word that shall make them glad;
Tell them how, o’er the hills of Bethlehem
When the angels sang, ’twas good news for them.


Peace on earth! bid all strife and tumult cease;
For this night again gives the Lord His peace;
While our hands shall His temple beautify,
Carol, glory be unto God most high.


So glad hearts on this happy Christmas night
Bring your gifts of love, make His altar bright;
Sing glad songs that shall sweetly sound as when
Angels sang of peace and good will to men.
