Words & Music: , Sun­shine for Sun­day Schools, 1873.

A song some­what sim­i­lar to this I re­mem­ber sing­ing as a so­lo in Mr. Moody’s Ta­ber­na­cle in Chi­ca­go at the close of an evan­gel­is­tic meet­ing in 1872. Mr. Bliss came in late and stood just in­side the door, list­en­ing. At the close of the meet­ing he came up to the plat­form and spoke en­thus­i­as­tic­al­ly about the piece, and re­marked that he al­so would try to write a hymn on “The Pro­di­gal.” Not long af­ter­ward I heard him sing this beau­ti­ful hymn, which he him­self en­ti­tled “Call­ing Now.” It has been es­pe­cial­ly use­ful in in­quiry-meet­ings and at the close of evan­gel­is­tic ad­dress­es. I have oft­en heard it sung with great ef­fect—very soft­ly by a choir, while the work­ers were speak­ing to the anx­ious ones—and its soft, sweet, plead­ing tones were al­ways blessed to the hear­ers.

This loving Savior
Stands patiently;
Tho’ oft rejected,
Calls again for thee.


Calling now for thee, prodigal,
Calling now for thee;
Thou hast wandered far away,
But He’s calling now for thee.

Oh, boundless mercy,
Free, free to all!
Say, child of error,
Heed the tender call.


Tho’ all unworthy,
Come, now, come home—
Say, while He’s waiting,
“Jesus, dear, I come.”
