Words: , 8th Century (Χριστὸς γεννᾶται δοξάσατε); trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by , Hymns of the East­ern Church (Lon­don: Spot­tis­woode and Co., 1862).

Music: , in Great Hymns of the Church Com­piled by the Late Right Rev­er­end , ed­it­ed by (New York: James Pott & Com­pa­ny, 1887), num­ber 67.

Christ is born! Tell forth His fame!
Christ from Heaven! His love proclaim!
Christ on earth! Exalt His Name!
Sing to the Lord, O world, with exultation!
Break forth in glad thanksgiving, every nation!
For He hath triumphed gloriously!

Man, in God’s own image made,
Man, by Satan’s wiles betrayed,
Man, on whom corruption preyed,
Shut out from hope of life and of salvation,
Today Christ maketh him a new creation,
For He hath triumphed gloriously!

For the Maker, when His foe
Wrought the creature death and woe,
Bowed the heav’ns, and came below,
And in the virgin’s womb His dwelling making,
Became true Man, man’s very nature taking;
For He hath triumphed gloriously!

He, the Wisdom, Word, and Might,
God, and Son, and Light of light,
Undiscovered by the sight
Of earthly monarch, or infernal spirit,
Incarnate was, that we might Heav’n inherit:
For He hath triumphed gloriously!
