Words: , Sal­va­tion Mel­o­dies No. 1 (Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Perk­in­pine & Hig­gins, 1874).

Music: Trust (Stock­ton), , 1869; re­frain by , 1873.

While on the way to Eng­land with Mr. Moo­dy in 1873, one day in mid-ocean, as I was look­ing over a list of hymns in my scrap-book, I no­ticed one com­menc­ing, “Come ev­ery soul by sin op­pressed”…Be­liev­ing that these words had been so of­ten sung that they were hack­neyed, I de­cid­ed to change them and tell how to come to Je­sus by sub­sti­tut­ing the words, “On­ly trust him.” In this form it was first pub­lished in “Sac­red Songs and So­los” in Lon­don. While hold­ing meet­ings in Her Ma­jes­ty’s The­a­ter in Pall Mall, Lon­don, and sing­ing this hymn, I thought I would change the chor­us again, and asked the peo­ple to sing “I will trust Him”…Then as we sang I de­cid­ed to change it once more, and asked them to sing “I do trust him.” God blessed this ren­der­ing of the hymn to eight per­sons pre­sent, who tes­ti­fied af­ter­ward that by the change they were led to ac­cept sal­va­tion.

“I am much in­ter­est­ed in sac­red songs,” writes a mis­sion­ary in Eng­land, “be­cause it was the first verse of ‘On­ly Trust Him’ that opened the door of my heart to let the Mas­ter in­to my soul in all his ful­ness. I was in the ar­my, and found my way to the Wool­wich Sol­diers’ Home, where I heard the Gos­pel; and for a fort­night I was grop­ing in the dark for peace, when one ev­en­ing I heard the sing­ing of ‘On­ly Trust Him,’ which brought light in­to my soul. I have ev­er since been hap­py, serv­ing Him with my whole heart. I am now a mis­sion­ary to my com­rades.

Come, every soul by sin oppressed;
There’s mercy with the Lord,
And He will surely give you rest
By trusting in His Word.


Only trust Him, only trust Him,
Only trust Him now;
He will save you, He will save you,
He will save you now.

For Jesus shed His precious blood
Rich blessings to bestow;
Plunge now into the crimson flood
That washes white as snow.


Yes, Jesus is the truth, the way,
That leads you into rest;
Believe in Him without delay
And you are fully blessed.


Come, then, and join this holy band,
And on to glory go
To dwell in that celestial land
Where joys immortal flow.


O Jesus, blessèd Jesus, dear,
I’m coming now to Thee;
Since Thou hast made the way so clear
And full salvation free.
