“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord.” Psalm 95:1

Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

Words: Isaac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid, 1719.

Music: Cambridge, Ralph Harr­is­on, 1784; ar­ranged by Sam­u­el S.Wes­ley, 1872 (MI­DI, score). Al­ter­nate tune:

  • Sil­ver Street, Isaac Smith, cir­ca 1770 (MI­DI, score)

If you have ac­cess to a pic­ture of Ralph Harr­is­on that we could put on­line, please click here.

Samuel S. Wesley (1810-1876)

Come, sound His praise abroad,
And hymns of glory sing;
Jehovah is the sovereign God,
The universal King.

He formed the deeps unknown;
He gave the seas their bound;
The watery worlds are all His own,
And all the solid ground.

Come, worship at His throne;
Come, bow before the Lord:
We are His works, and not our own;
He formed us by His Word.

Today attend His voice,
Nor dare provoke His rod;
Come, like the people of His choice,
And own your gracious God.

But if your ears refuse
The language of His grace,
And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews,
That unbelieving race;

The Lord, in vengeance dressed,
Will lift His hand and swear,
“You that despise my promised rest
Shall have no portion there.”