Words: , before 1888.

Music: .

A man of cul­ture and of ex­tens­ive read­ing had giv­en a good deal of thought to the sub­ject of Christ­i­an­i­ty, but had ne­ver ac­know­ledged him­self a Christ­ian un­til one ev­en­ing at the close of an af­ter-meet­ing in serv­ic­es con­duct­ed by Dr. George F. Pen­te­cost in his own church in Brook­lyn [New York]. Then he arose and made a pub­lic con­fess­ion of Christ as His Sav­iour. That night, on re­turn home, he sat down and wrote the words of this hymn. The next day they were hand­ed to Mr. Steb­bins, who was then as­sist­ing Dr. Pen­te­cost. Ve­ry soon af­ter­ward the hymn was sung in the meet­ings that were still in pro­gress. It was at once met with gen­er­al fa­vor, and for ma­ny years it was used as a spe­cial song of in­vi­ta­tion in our meet­ings, as well as by other evan­gel­ists in theirs.

If you know when this song was writ­ten

“Come unto Me,” it is the Savior’s voice,
The Lord of life, who bids thy heart rejoice;
O weary heart, with heavy cares oppressed,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you rest.


“Come unto Me, come unto Me,
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest,
I will give you rest, I will give you rest.”

Weary with life’s long struggle full of pain,
O doubting soul, thy Savior calls again;
Thy doubts shall vanish and thy sorrows cease,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you peace.


Oh, dying man, with guilt and sin dismayed,
With conscience wakened, of thy God afraid;
Twixt hopes and fears—oh end the anxious strife,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you life.


Rest, peace and life, the flowers of deathless bloom,
The Savior gives us, not beyond the tomb—
But here, and now, on earth, some glimpse is giv’n
Of joys which wait us thro’ the gates of Heav’n.
