Words: , in Gos­pel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6 Com­plete, by et al. (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: The Big­low & Main Com­pa­ny, 1894), num­ber 68.

Music: .

When I was chor­is­ter in Mr. Mo­ody’s Sun­day school, on the north side of Chi­ca­go [Il­li­nois], we fre­quent­ly used this hymn. On the mem­or­a­ble Sun­day [in 1871] when the ci­ty was de­stroyed by fire, and I had made my es­cape in a small boat out in­to Lake Mi­chi­gan, this song came to my mind, and as I sat there watch­ing the ci­ty burn I sang [it].

Dark is the night, and cold the wind is blowing,
Nearer and nearer comes the breakers’ roar;
Where shall I go, or whither fly for refuge?
Hide me, my Father, till the storm is o’er.


With His loving hand to guide, let the clouds above me roll,
And the billows in their fury dash around me.
I can brave the wildest storm, with His glory in my soul,
I can sing amidst the tempest—Praise the Lord!

Dark is the night, but cheering is the promise,
He will go with me o’er the troubled wave;
Safe He will lead me through the pathless waters,
Jesus, the mighty One, and strong to save.


Dark is the night, but lo! the day is breaking,
Onward my bark, unfurl thy every sail,
Now at the helm I see my Father standing,
Soon will my anchor drop within the veil.
