Words: , 1896; this hymn was writ­ten for the fif­teenth in­ter­na­tion­al con­ven­tion of Christ­ian En­dea­vor in Washington, DC, July 8-13, 1896. The Gold­en Rule of Ju­ly 16, 1896, in a re­port of the con­ven­tion, says:

The fine in­vo­ca­tion hymn, writ­ten for us by the Wash­ing­ton po­et, John Hay, was read in un­i­son by the au­di­ence and sung with a will.

Music: Jo­shua, , 1905.

Defend us, Lord, from every ill;
Strengthen our hearts to do Thy will;
In all we plan and all we do,
Still keep us to Thy service true.

O let us hear the inspiring word
Which they of old at Horeb heard;
Breathe to our hearts the high command,
“Go onward and possess the land!”

Thou Who are light, shine on each soul!
Thou Who are truth, each mind control!
Open our eyes and make us see
The path which leads to Heaven and Thee!

The Christian En­dea­vor World for Jan­u­a­ry 12, 1905, gives a fac­sim­i­le of the au­thor’s man­u­script of this hymn. The ti­tle is “In­vo­ca­tion,”, and the omit­ted first verse is:

Lord, from far-severed climes we come
To meet at last in Thee, our Home.
Thou who hast been our guide and guard
Be still our hope, our rich reward.