Words: Adapted by , 1997, from Faith of Our Fa­thers, and re­leased into the pub­lic do­main. The words speak of the per­se­cu­tion of the world­wide church.

Music: St. Ca­ther­ine, ar­ranged by in Crown of Je­sus Mu­sic, by (Lon­don: 1864).

Faith of our brothers, suffering sore,
Enduring prison, famine, and sword,
O Holy Spirit, give comfort, we pray,
May they this day find strength in Thy Word.
Faith of our brothers, holy faith,
May they be true to thee till death!

Tortured and killed for Thy dear Name,
Lord, give them grace to count all but loss,
May they hold steadfast to the end,
Sharing the sufferings of the cross.
Faith of our brothers, holy faith,
May they be true to thee till death!

Our brothers, chained in prisons dark,
Are still in heart and conscience free,
O may they know thy deep, sweet peace,
Fill them with joy for all to see.
Faith of our brothers, holy faith,
May they be true to thee till death!

Faith of our brothers! May they love
Both friend and foe in all their strife,
And preach Thee too, as love knows how,
By kindly words and virtuous life.
Faith of our brothers, holy faith,
May they be true to thee till death!

And Lord, may we be ready too,
To give our lives, if needed, for Thee,
May we be strong in Thy great strength,
And live each day, committed to Thee.
Faith of all brothers, holy faith,
May we be true to thee till death!