Words: , Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, 1740.

From his death-bed at Cannes, in March, 1901, Will­iam Ar­thur sent a part­ing word to his old friend Dr. Rigg. ‘Give him this mess­age from me: The Lord crown­eth the year with His good­ness. He mak­eth the out­go­ings of the morn­ing and ev­en­ing to re­joice. What is called the “dark vall­ey” has not come to me in one stretch, but in a ser­ies of dis­con­nect­ed tunn­els. In each of these the out­er day is in­deed shut off, but a lamp with­in, kind­ling up, makes the dark­ness light. Whe­ther the tun­nel I am now in is the u­lti­mate or pe­nul­ti­mate I know not, for the her­alds of the way will not tell, but run be­fore, shout­ing, “The city hath no need of the sun, nei­ther of the moon, to shine it; for the glory of the Lord doth light­en it, and Lamb is the light there­of.” All I know is that the last tun­nel is on the east of the land of Beu­lah, to­wards the ris­ing of the Sun, and opens in the face of the Gold­en Gate where are the Shin­ing Ones. How far it is off I can­not tell. The ev­er­last­ing hills are co­vered with a gold­en haze. Glo­ry be to God!

Music: I Do Believe, Eng­lish mel­o­dy. Al­ter­nate tune:

  • Martyrdom, , 1800; ar­ranged by , cir­ca 1885

Forever here my rest shall be,
Close to Thy bleeding side;
This all my hope, and all my plea,
For me the Savior died!

My dying Savior, and my God,
Fountain for guilt and sin,
Sprinkle me ever in Thy blood,
And cleanse, and keep me clean.

Wash me, and make me thus Thine own,
Wash me, and mine Thou art,
Wash me, but not my feet alone,
My hands, my head, my heart.

The atonement of Thy blood apply,
Till faith to sight improve,
Till hope shall in fruition die,
And all my soul be love.

I do believe, I now believe,
That Jesus died for me;
And through His blood, His precious blood,
I shall from sin be free.

The original first two verses:

Jesu, Thou art my Righteousness,
For all my sins were Thine;
Thy death hath bought of God m peace,
Thy life hath made Him mine.

Spotless and just in Thee I am;
I feel my sins forgiven;
I taste salvation in Thy name,
And antedate my heaven.