Words: , cir­ca 1872. She wrote these words for Silas Vail.

Music: .

In Sacred Songs and Solos, wrote this in­tro­duct­ion to his song “Home at Last, Thy La­bor Done”:

Written on the dy­ing words of a young con­vert (Mag­gie Lind­say) who lost her life in the rail­road ca­tas­tro­phe at Man­uel Junc­tion, Scot­land.

Note.—All was packed, and rea­dy for her go­ing home to Aber­deen, her school-days be­ing over. At 6:35 on Tuesday morn­ing, the train for the North start­ed; and she, with her eyes up­on her hymn-book, the leaf turned down at her best-loved song, “The Gate Ajar for Me,” tast­ed once more of the love of Je­sus. The aw­ful ca­tas­tro­phe took place; and the col­li­sion with the min­er­al train left her se­vere­ly in­jured, and the page of hymn-book stained with her blood. Dur­ing the two days of suf­fer­ing that fol­lowed in the house to which she was moved at Man­uel, the scene of the rail­way ac­ci­dent, she oft­en whis­pered and sang the words of the hymn which was to be her song till death. The min­is­ter who watched by her said the ex­press­ion of her coun­te­nance could not be de­scribed as she again and again re­peat­ed the words, “Yes, for me, for me!”

There is a gate that stands ajar,
And through its portals gleaming
A radiance from the cross afar,
The Savior’s love revealing.


O depth of mercy! Can it be
That gate was left ajar for me?
For me! For me!
Was left ajar for me!

That gate ajar stands free for all
Who seek through it salvation;
The rich and poor, the great and small,
Of every tribe and nation.


Press onward, then, though foes may frown,
While mercy’s gate is open;
Accept the cross, and win the crown,
Love’s everlasting token.


Beyond the river’s brink we’ll lay
The cross that here is given,
And bear the crown of life away,
And love Him more in Heaven.

