Words: , in his Geist­lich­es Blum­en Gärt­lein, se­cond edi­tion, 1735 (Gott ruf­et noch, sollt ich nicht end­lich hör­en); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by , Hymns from the Land of Lu­ther, se­cond ser­ies, 1855.

This hymn is a re­mark­a­ble so­lil­o­quy of an awak­ened and pe­ni­tent soul. It could have been writ­ten on­ly by one who had him­self through the deep spir­it­u­al ex­per­i­enc­es in­volved in con­vict­ion of sin and con­ver­sion from sin. The au­thor was a some­what ec­cen­tric but deep­ly pi­ous mys­tic…At the age of twen­ty-se­ven Ter­stee­gen wrote, in his own blood, a ded­i­ca­tion of him­self to God, in which he says: “God gra­cious­ly called me out of the world and grant­ed me the de­sire to be­long to him and to be will­ing to fol­low him. I long for an eter­ni­ty, that I may suit­a­bly glor­i­fy him for it.”

Music: Breslau, As Hymn­o­dus Sa­cer (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1625). Al­ter­nate tunes:

  • Ham­burg, , 1824
  • Ingham, (1792-1872)

God calling yet; shall I not hear?
Earth’s pleasures shall I still hold dear?
Shall life’s swift passing years all fly,
And still my soul in slumber lie?

God calling yet; shall I not rise?
Can I His loving voice despise,
And basely His kind care repay?
He calls me still—can I delay?

God calling yet, and shall He knock,
And I my heart the closer lock?
He still is waiting to receive,
And shall I dare His Spirit grieve?

Ah, yield Him all; in Him confide;
Where but with Him doth peace abide?
Break loose, let earthly bonds be riven,
And let the spirit rise to heaven.

God calling yet; and shall I give
No heed, but still in bondage live?
I wait, but He does not forsake;
He calls me still—my heart, awake!

God calling yet; I cannot stay;
My heart I yield without delay;
Vain world, farewell! from thee I part;
The voice of God hath reached my heart.