Words: , Short Hymns on Se­lect Pass­ag­es of Script­ure, 1762.

Music: Weld, com­pos­er un­known, in the Meth­od­ist Hymn and Tune Book (To­ron­to, Can­a­da: Meth­od­ist Book and Pub­lish­ing House, 1894), num­ber 794.

If you know the com­pos­er, or when the mu­sic was writ­ten

Joseph Ben­son re­calls that John Fletch­er used to ga­ther the stu­dents at Tre­vec­ca in his room to pray for the ful­ness of the Ho­ly Spir­it. ‘This was not done once or twice, but ma­ny times. And I have some­times seen him on these oc­ca­sions, once in par­ti­cu­lar, so filled with the love of God, that he could con­tain no more; but cried out, “O My God, with­hold Thy hand, or the ves­sel will burst.” But he af­ter­ward told me that he was afraid he had grieved the Spir­it of God; and that he ought rather to have prayed that the Lord would have en­larged the vess­el, or have suf­fered it to break, that the soul might have no fur­ther bar or in­ter­rup­tion to its en­joy­ment of the Su­preme Good. Wes­ley adds, ‘This is cer­tain­ly a just re­mark. The pro­per pray­er on such an oc­cas­ion would have been—

Give me the enlarged desired,
And open, Lord, my soul.’

Give me the enlarged desire,
And open, Lord, my soul,
Thy own fullness to require,
And comprehend the whole;
Stretch my faith’s capacity
Wider, and yet wider still
Then, with all that is in Thee
My soul forever fill!