Words: , cir­ca 1939:

At my first church after sem­in­a­ry which was the Cal­va­ry Meth­od­ist Church in San Jo­se, Cal­i­for­nia, I be­came ac­quain­ted with a man who was head of one of the mu­sic de­part­ments in one of the jun­ior high schools. He said to me one day that he would like to write a hymn tune if I would write the words…I was a young preach­er just start­ing out and tried to ex­press my feel­ing of the main Christ­ian theme of that par­ti­cu­lar per­i­od. The young peo­ple here and there be­gan to get hold of it and it became a fair­ly pop­u­lar hymn in Cal­i­for­nia. Then it spread here and there and I was quite thrilled when they sang it one night in Aus­tral­ia at a youth ral­ly where I spoke a cou­ple of years ago.

Gerald H. Kennedy, 1966

Music: Un­ser Herr­scher, , 1680.

God of love and God of power,
Grant us in this burning hour
Grace to ask these gifts of Thee,
Daring hearts and spirits free.


God of love and God of power,
Thou hast called us for this hour.

We are not the first to be
Banished by our fears from Thee;
Give us courage, let us hear
Heaven’s trumpets ringing clear.


All our lives belong to Thee,
Thou our final loyalty;
Slaves are we whene’er we share
That devotion anywhere.


God of love and God of power,
Make us worthy of this hour,
Offering lives if it’s Thy will,
Keeping free our spirits still.
