Words: , cir­ca 1922. These words grew out of the au­thor’s grief up­on los­ing her daugh­ter:

When God called my girl to live with Him, I felt I could not spare her, and it left an ache in my heart that was dif­fi­cult to bear. The eve­r pre­sent, per­sis­tent quest­ion, “Why should my girl be tak­en?” be­came the over­whelm­ing bur­den of my wak­ing mo­ments. Why should it be my child?

After sev­er­al months of wrest­ling with this ques­tion, my health was af­fect­ed and my faith cloud­ed. Then one night, while I was pac­ing up and down on my lawn, there came me the words as if spok­en from the sky: “We Christ­ians do not sor­row with­out hope. We do have to say good­bye to our loved ones here, but we have that glor­i­ous hope of good morn­ing over there.”

The mess­age brought sur­cease from my sor­row, com­fort for my heart, and stim­u­lus to my faith. I has­tened to my room where the po­em took form. God gave me a song that has been a bless­ing in my life, as it will be to others who sor­row for loved ones.

Music: .

When comes to the weary a blessèd release,
When upward we pass to His kingdom of peace,
When free from the woes that on earth we must bear,
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.


Good morning up there where Christ is the Light,
Good morning up there where cometh no night;
When we step from this earth to God’s Heaven so fair,
We’ll say “good night” here but “good morning” up there.

When fadeth the day and dark shadows draw nigh,
With Christ close at hand, it is not death to die;
He’ll wipe every tear, roll away every care;
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.


When home lights we see shining brightly above,
Where we shall be soon, through His wonderful love,
We’ll praise Him Who called us His Heaven to share,
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.
