Words: , in the Church Times, 1866.

Music: Groom­bridge, , in The Eng­lish Hymn­al (Lon­don: Ox­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 592.

If you know W. J. Whit­well’s full name, or have ac­cess to a pic­ture of him

Hail the Sign, the Sign of Jesus,
Bright and royal Tree!
Standard of the Monarch, planted
First on Calvary!


Hail the Sign all signs excelling,
Hail the Sign all ills dispelling,
Hail the Sign hell’s power quelling,
Cross of Christ, all hail!

Sign the martyrs’ strength and refuge,
Sign to saints so dear!
Sign of evil men abhorrèd,
Sign which devils fear:


Sign which, when the Lord returneth,
In the heavens shall be;
Sinners quail, while saints with rapture
Shall the vision see:


Lo, I sign the Cross of Jesus
Meekly on my breast;
May it guard my heart when living,
Dying be its rest:


In the name of God the Father,
Name of God the Son,
Name of God the blessèd Spirit,
Ever Three in One:
