Words: From the La­tin Gradual, 12th Cen­tu­ry (Ju­bi­le­mus om­nes una); trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by in the Hymn­a­ry, 1872.

Music: Na­maan, M. Cos­ta (Mi­chael Cos­ta [1808-1884]?), ar­ranged by .

If you know when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten, the com­pos­er’s full name, or where to find a pic­ture of him

Honor and glory, thanksgiving and praise,
Maker of all things, to Thee we upraise;
God the Almighty, the Father, the Lord;
God by the angels obeyed and adored.

Thou art the Father of Heaven and earth;
Worlds uncreated to Thee owe their birth;
All the creation, Thy voice when it heard,
Started to life and to light at Thy Word.

Onward the sun and the moon and their march
Span with the rainbow the firmament’s arch;
Stars yet unknown, and whose light is to come,
Find in creation their place and a home.

Earth with the mountain, the river, the plain,
Sky with the dew-drop, the wind, and the rain,
Beast of the forest, wild bird of the air,
All are Thy creatures, and all are Thy care.

Ocean the restless, and waters that swell,
Lightnings that flash over flood, over fell,
Own Thee the Master Almighty, and call
Thee the Creator, the Father, of all.

Yea, Thou art Father of all, and Thy love
Pity for man that is fallen doth move;
Guide us in life, and protect to the last;
And, at Thine Advent, Lord, pardon the past.