Words: Er­nest G. Well­es­ley Wes­ley.

Music: , 1905.

This song had the fol­low­ing foot­note in Re­viv­al Hymns, ed­it­ed by Dan­i­el Town­er and Charles M. Al­ex­an­der (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: The Bi­ble In­sti­tute Col­port­age As­so­ci­a­tion, 1905):

In one of the ve­ry first meet­ings of the won­der­ful re­viv­al in Wales, a young la­dy arose and said, “I do love Je­sus with all my heart.” With this con­fess­ion the Ho­ly Ghost fell on the people in mighty power.

“I do love Jesus with all my heart”
Because of what He did for me;
His life for me on the cross He gave,
He died for me on Calvary.


I cannot but love Him Who died for me;
I cannot but love Him, so true is He;
I love Him and ever will His Name confess,
My Life, my Lord and my Righteousness!

“I do love Jesus with all my heart”
Because of what He does for me:
His depthless grace all my life enfolds,
And guards in love’s true liberty.


“I do love Jesus with all my heart”
Because of what He is to me:
My Light, my Life, my abiding Strength,
My sure Defense, my King is He.


Will you love Jesus with all your heart?
He bore your sins on Calvary;
Repent, believe, Him as Lord confess;
Then you shall live eternally.
