Words: , 1890; ap­peared in Rescue Songs com­piled by Col­o­nel Hen­ry Hadl­ey, 1896. This book says the song was sug­gest­ed by the per­son­al tes­ti­mo­ny of H. H. Hadley, who was con­verted July 28, 1886, at “the old Jer­ry Mc­Auley Water St. Mission.”

Jerry Mc­Auley, for ma­ny years, was one of the most wide­ly known men in New York. It was in his own mis­sion in W­ater Street that I first met him; but the sto­ry of his life, how he had been a thief, a drunk­ard and a tho­rough­ly des­per­ate man, was fa­mil­iar to me, and I was deep­ly in­ter­est­ed in him be­cause of the work of grace wrought at his con­ver­sion. As a speak­er he used sim­ple lang­uage, but his man­ner was so im­press­ive that all men were drawn to­ward him. He and his faith­ful wife toiled and planned and sa­cr­ificed to give the old Wa­ter Street Miss­ion a start. Not long af­ter my first visit with them they were in­stru­ment­al in found­ing the Cre­morne Mis­sion on West Thir­ty-se­cond Street.

Music: .

I longed to be a child of God,
And do my Savior’s will;
And yet the sin that most I feared,
I knew unconquered still.
“Dear Lord,” I said, for as I knelt
I saw Him on the tree—
“This heavy burden on my heart,
I’ll gladly bear for Thee.”


So now for Him Who died for me,
I’m willing all to bear
Obedient love will never fail,
To bring the answered prayer.

The cold was lifted from my soul,
My burden rolled away;
The light of joy around me shed,
A calm and heavenly ray.
“Dear Lord,” I said, “I praise Thy Name
For Thy rich grace to me;
My load is gone and now I rest,
In perfect peace with Thee.”


I heard a gentle voice within
A whisper soft and mild;
“Thy sin was cancelled by His blood,
Who owns thee for His child.”
“Dear Lord,” I said, “the work is Thine,
And Thine the glory be.
My life, my soul, my every pow’r,
I consecrate to Thee.”
