Words: , 1670 (Nun sich der Tag ge­end­et hat); trans­lat­or un­known. Hertz­og wrote these words while a stu­dent in Wit­te­nberg.

Music: Evan, , 1847; ar­ranged by in New Car­mi­na Sac­ra (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: 1850).

In mercy, Lord, remember me,
Through all the hours of night,
And grant to me most graciously
The safeguard of Thy might.

With cheerful heart I close mine eyes,
Since Thou wilt not remove;
O in the morning let me rise
Rejoicing in Thy love.

Or if this night should prove my last,
And end my transient days,
Lord, take me to Thy promised rest,
Where I may sing Thy praise.