Words: , in Wel­come Tid­ings, by , W. How­ard Doane, and (New York: Big­low & Main, 1877), num­ber 20. Also see In the Book Which Thou Art Keeping.

Music: .

Is my hope on the rifted Rock,
Cleft by the Lord for me?
Is my name in the book of life?
O that my faith could see!


Is it there, is it there,
Bright on the page so fair?
Is it there, is it there,
Safe in my Father’s care?

Do I walk with a steadfast eye
Fixed on the heavenly land?
Is my name in the book of life
Graved by a Savior’s hand?


Can I say, with a trusting heart,
Jesus, Thy will, not mine?
Is my name in the book of life,
Sealed by His blood divine?


When in death I shall calmly sleep,
Jesus, to wake with Thee,
There my name in the book of life
Grant that my eye may see.
