Words: From an 11th Cen­tu­ry man­u­script in the Bri­tish Mu­se­um (Ex­ul­tet coe­lum laud­i­bus); trans­lat­ed from La­tin by Eng­lish by , An­cient Hymns from the Ro­man Bre­vi­a­ry, 1837, alt.

Music: Rex Glor­i­o­se Mar­tyr­um, Ca­thol­ische Geist­liche Ge­säsange (Andernach: 1608).

Let all on earth their voices raise,
Re-echoing Heav’n’s triumphant praise
To Him, who gave th’apostles grace
To run on earth their glorious race.

Thou, at Whose word they bore the light
Of Gospel truth o’er heathen night,
To us that heav’nly light impart,
To glad our eyes and cheer our heart.

Thou, at Whose will to them was giv’n
To bind and loose in earth and Heav’n,
Our chains unbind, our sins undo,
And in our hearts Thy grace renew.

Thou, in Whose might they spake the word
Which cured disease and health restored,
To us its healing power prolong,
Support the weak, confirm the strong.

And when the thrones are set on high
And judgment’s awful hour draws nigh,
Then, Lord, with them pronounce us blest,
And take us to Thine endless rest.