Words: Jonathan Bush Atchinson, alt.

Music: , 1881.

If you know when this song was writ­ten, or where to get a pic­ture of Jon­a­than Atch­in­son

In Great Bri­tain this fa­vo­rite hymn brought bless­ing to a re­tired col­o­nel of the Eng­lish ar­my, at one of Mr. Moo­dy’s meet­ings on the banks of the Thames. The col­o­nel had be­come anx­ious about his spir­it­u­al con­di­tion, and de­cid­ed to go to Lon­don to at­tend our meet­ings there. At the con­clu­sion of one of the even­ing ser­vic­es, as he was about to leave the great build­ing, his at­ten­tion was ar­rest­ed by a sweet voice sing­ing, “Let the Saviour in.” On tak­ing the train at Pad­ding­ton sta­tion for Bourne­mouth, the song re­mained in his heart and the wheels of the train seemed to re­peat in his ears the re­frain, “Let him in! let the Saviour in!”

He went again to Lon­don and sought out the sing­er whose voice had so im­pressed him. She was a la­dy of high rank, and in the course of a few months be­came the wife of the gal­lant col­o­nel. A year lat­er they moved to Flor­i­da, where I had the plea­sure of vi­sit­ing them in their home. On my in­vi­ta­tion, they ac­com­pa­nied me to a near-by town where I was hold­ing meet­ings. At the con­clu­sion of my lec­ture the la­dy sang this hymn again, and so sweet­ly that it moved the au­di­ence to tears.

There’s a Stranger at the door,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in;
He has been there oft before,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.
Let Him in, ere He is gone;
Let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ the Father’s Son,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.

Open now to Him your heart,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in;
If you wait He will depart,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.
Let Him in, He is your Friend;
He your soul will sure defend,
He will keep you to the end,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.

Hear you now His loving voice?
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in;
Now, oh, now make Him your choice,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.
He is standing at your door;
Joy to you He will restore,
And His Name you will adore,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.

Now admit the heav’nly Guest,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in;
He will make for you a feast,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.
He will speak your sins forgiv’n,
And when earth ties all are riv’n,
He will take you home to Heav’n,
Let the Savior in, O let the Savior in.