Words: , 1574 (Herr, wie du willst, so schick’s mit mir); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by in the Ohio Lu­ther­an Hymn­al, 1880, alt.

Written in 1574, while [Bien­e­mann] was tu­tor to the child­ren of Duke Jo­hann Wil­helm of Sach­sen Wei­mar, in ex­pec­ta­tion of a com­ing pes­ti­lence. He taught it as a pray­er to his pu­pil the Prin­cess Ma­ria, then three years old, the in­i­tial let­ters of the three stan­zas (H. Z. S.) form­ing an acros­tic on her ti­tle, Hertz­og­in zu Sach­sen. The Prin­cess af­ter­ward adopt­ed as her mot­to the words “Herr wie du wilt,” and this mot­to forms the re­frain of “Je­sus, Je­sus, nichts als Je­sus,” the best known hymn of the of Schwarz­burg-Ru­dol­stadt.

Music: Herr, Wie Du Willst, Deutsch Kirch­en­amt (Strass­burg: 1525).

Lord, as Thou wilt, deal Thou with me;
No other wish I cherish;
In life and death I cling to Thee;
Oh, do not let me perish!
Let not Thy grace from me depart
And grant an ever patient heart
To bear what Thou dost send me.

Grant honor, truth, and purity,
And love Thy Word to ponder;
From all false doctrine keep me free,
Bestow, both here and yonder,
What serves my everlasting bliss;
Preserve me from unrighteousness
Throughout my earthly journey.

When, at Thy summons, I must leave
This vale of sin and sadness,
Give me Thy grace, Lord, not to grieve,
But to depart with gladness.
To Thee my spirit I commend;
O Lord, grant me a blessèd end
Through Jesus Christ, my Savior.