Words: Un­known au­thor (ϓπὲρ τησ άνωθεν ειρήνησ); trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by in The Eng­lish Hymn­al (Lon­don: Ox­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 650.

Music: Be­a­tus, (1877-1946).

Lord, to our humble prayers attend,
Let Thou Thy peace from heaven descend,
And to our souls salvation send,
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

Rule in our hearts, Thou Prince of Peace,
The welfare of Thy Church increase,
And bid all strife and discord cease;
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

To all who meet for worship here
Do Thou in faithfulness draw near;
Inspire with faith and godly fear:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

O let Thy priests be clothed with might,
To rule within Thy Church aright,
That they may serve as in Thy sight:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

The sovereign ruler of our land
Protect by Thine almighty hand,
And all around the throne who stand:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

Let clouds and sunshine bless the earth,
Give flowers and fruits a timely birth,
Our harvests crown with peaceful mirth:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

Let voyagers by land and sea
In danger’s hour in safety be;
The suffering and the captive free:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.

Around us let Thine arm be cast,
Till wrath and danger are o’erpast
And tribulation’s bitter blast:
Have mercy, Lord upon us.