Words: , in the re­vised Par­is Brev­i­a­ry, 1736 (Au­rora lu­cis dum no­vae); trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by in the Hymn­a­ry, 1872, num­ber 267.

Music: Red­cliff, (1818-1901).

Morn’s roseate hues have decked the sky;
The Lord has risen with victory:
Let earth be glad, and raise the cry,

The Prince of Life with death has striv’n,
To cleanse the earth His blood has giv’n;
Has rent the veil, and opened Heav’n:

And He, the wheat-corn, sown in earth,
Has giv’n a glorious harvest-birth,
Rejoice, and sing with holy mirth:

And he, dear Lord, that with Thee dies,
And fleshly passions crucifies,
In body, like to Thine, shall rise:

O grant us then, with Thee to die,
To spurn earth’s fleeting vanity,
And love the things above the sky:

Oh, praise the Father, and the Son,
Who has for us the triumph won,
And holy Ghost—the Three in One: