Words: E. C. W., in Horder’s Book of Praise for Child­ren, 1875. Ac­cord­ing to the Dic­tion­a­ry of Hymn­ol­o­gy by , the au­thor was a la­dy who pub­lished anon­y­mous­ly through John Hodg­es of Frome.

Music: Quam Di­lec­ta, , 1861.

If you know the au­thor’s full name, or where to get a pic­ture of him or Hen­ry Jen­ner

My Father, hear my prayer
Before I go to rest;
It is Thy trustful child
That cometh to be blest.

Forgive me all my sin,
And let me sleep this night
In safety and in peace
Until the morning light.

Lord, help me every day
To love Thee more and more,
And try to do Thy will
Much better than before.

Now look upon me, Lord,
Ere I lie down to rest;
It is Thy trustful child
That cometh to be blest.