Words: ; writ­ten for the open­ing of a Meth­od­ist New Con­nex­ion Cha­pel, South Street, Moor, Shef­field, Eng­land, June 8, 1828, and print­ed as a fly­leaf for the oc­ca­sion.

Music: Rock­ing­ham (Mil­ler), , ar­ranged by , 1790.

Not here, as to the prophet’s eye,
The Lord upon His throne appears;
Nor seraphim responsive cry,
“Holy! thrice holy!” in our ears:

Yet God is present in this place,
Veiled in serener majesty;
So full of glory, truth and grace,
That faith alone such light can see.

Nor, as He in the temple taught,
Is Christ within these walls revealed,
When blind, and deaf, and dumb were brought,
Lepers and lame, and all were healed:

Yet here, when two or three shall meet
Or thronging multitudes are found,
All may sit down at Jesus’ feet,
And hear from Him the joyful sound.

Send forth the seraphim, O Lord,
To touch Thy servants’ lips with fire;
Savior, give them Thy faithful Word;
Come, Holy Ghost, their hearts inspire.