Words: ; first ap­peared in Hymns: The Pub­lic Wor­ship and Pri­vate De­vo­tions of True Christ­ians, As­sist­ed in some Thoughts and Verse; Prin­ci­pal­ly Drawn from Se­lect Pass­ag­es of the Word of God, 1789 (en­larged edi­tion, 1794).

Music: Ariel, (1756-1791); ar­ranged by , 1836.

O could I speak the matchless worth,
O could I sound the glories forth which in my Savior shine!
I’d sing His glorious righteousness, and magnify the wondrous grace
Which made salvation mine, which made salvation mine.

I’d sing the precious blood He spilt,
My ransom from the dreadful guilt of sin, and wrath divine;
I’d sing His glorious righteousness, in which all perfect, heavenly dress
My soul shall ever shine, my soul shall ever shine.

I’d sing the characters He bears,
And all the forms of love He wears, exalted on His throne;
In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days
Make all His glories known, make all His glories known.

Soon, the delightful day will come
When my dear Lord will bring me home, and I shall see His face;
Then with my Savior, Brother, Friend, a blessèd eternity I’ll spend,
Triumphant in His grace, triumphant in His grace.

The original first verse:

Oh could I speak the matchless worth,
Oh could I sound the glories forth,
Which in my Saviour shine!
I’d soar, and touch the heavenly strings
And vie with Gabriel while he sings
In notes almost divine.