Words: , 1535 (Ge­lob­et seist du Je­su Christ); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by , Psalms and Hymns, 1851.

Music: Ge­lob­et Seist, 15th Cen­tu­ry, har­mo­nized by .

If you A. B. Marx’ full name, or where to get a pic­ture of him or Ar­thur Russ­ell

O Jesu Christ, all praise to Thee,
Who art pleased a Man to be;
The virgin’s womb Thou dost not scorn,
And angels shout to see Thee born.

The eternal Father’s only Son
Takes a manger for His throne;
The everlasting fount of good,
Assumes our mortal flesh and blood.

The first of all in earth or skies
Now in Mary’s bosom lies;
To be a little child He deigns,
Who all things by Himself sustains.

The eternal Light to us descends,
And to earth its brightness lends;
Purely it shines upon our night,
To make us children of the light.

The only Son, true God confessed,
Comes to His own world a guest;
And through this vale of tears our Guide,
Doth in His Heaven our home provide.

In poorest guise to us He came,
Taking all our sin and shame,
That, as His heirs in Heaven above,
We may with angels share His love.

His love to show, surpassing thought!
He this wondrous work hath wrought;
Then let us all unite to raise
Our song of glad unceasing praise.
