Words: Au­thor un­known, in Har­mo­ny in Praise, 1890.

Music: Lou­van, , Chor­al An­thems (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chus­etts: 1850).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a pic­ture of him or Vir­gil Tay­lor

O Lord, all glorious, Life of life!
To Thee we raise our grateful song;
Lift up our souls from thoughts of self
To Thee, to Whom all lives belong.

Below all depths Thy mercy lies,
Above all heights Thy love ascends;
Thy providence our path surrounds,
Thy watchful care each step attends.

From Thee all good desires proceed,
All holy thoughts we gain from Thee;
The good we do is Thine alone,
Thine shall our heart’s thanksgiving be.