Words: Par­a­phrase of Psalm 119; au­thor un­known.

Music: Church, (1822-1888). Alternate tune:

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten, or where to get a pho­to of Jo­seph Hol­brook

O Lord, Thy perfect righteousness
Is in Thy judgments shown;
In Thy unchanging faithfulness
Thy truth Thou hast made known.

Because Thy foes forget Thy law
My soul is greatly stirred;
Thy servant loves the purity
Of Thy most holy Word.

Though I am humble and despised,
I strive Thy will to do;
Eternal is Thy righteousness,
And all Thy law is true.

Delight amid distress and pain
Do Thy commandments give;
Thy Word is righteous evermore,
Teach me that I may live.