Words: From Car­ols Old and Car­ols New, by (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­bers 311, 434, 507 & 651. This source states the lyr­ics are an adap­ta­tion of words by ; how­ev­er, we have been unable to de­ter­mine which of Al­ex­an­der’s works these lyr­ics come from, unless the reference is to Once in Roy­al Da­vid’s City, to which there is scant re­sem­blance.

Music: .

If you know the or­i­gin of these words, F. J. Du­gard’s full name, or where to get a pict­ure of him

Once in Bethlehem of Judah,
Far away across the sea,
There was laid a little Baby
On a virgin mother’s knee.


O Savior, gentle Savior,
Hear Thy loving children sing,
The God of our salvation,
The Child that is a King.

It was not a stately palace
Where that little Baby lay,
With His servants to attend Him,
And with guards to keep the way.


But the oxen stood around Him,
In a stable low and dim;
In the world He had created
There was not a room for Him.


For He left His Father’s glory,
And the golden halls above,
And He took our human nature,
In the greatness of His love.


Of His infinite compassion,
He can feel our want and woe;
For He suffered, He was tempted,
When He lived our life below.


Still His childhood’s bright example
Gives a light to our poor homes;
From the blood of His atoning
Still our hope of pardon comes.


Still He stands and pleads in Heaven,
For us, weak and sin-defiled;
God, who is a man for ever,
Jesus, who was once a child.
