Words: , 1873.

Music: .

The ed­it­or of a re­li­gious per­i­od­i­cal in the South sends me the fol­low­ing in­ci­dent, which oc­curred while he was hold­ing meet­ings in a small town: “One night a prom­i­nent man of the count­ry, not a Christ­ian, was in town. Hav­ing heard of the fine sing­ing, he went to the meet­ing for a few min­utes to lis­ten to a song or two. He heard on­ly one song and then went away; but that song went with him. It was ‘On­ly a step to Je­sus! Then why not take it now?’ The words stayed with him, and were re­peat­ed over and over. They came back to him the next day, and awak­ened in­qui­ry re­gard­ing him­self which at last led him in­to re­pent­ance and a hap­py con­ver­sion. Ma­ny peo­ple wept as he re­lat­ed his ex­per­i­ence be­fore the church.”

Only a step to Jesus!
Then why not take it now?
Come, and thy sin confessing,
To Him, thy Savior, bow.


Only a step, only a step,
Come, He waits for thee;
Come, and thy sin confessing,
Thou shalt receive a blessing;
Do not reject the mercy
He freely offers thee.

Only a step to Jesus!
Believe, and thou shalt live;
Lovingly now He’s waiting,
And ready to forgive.


Only a step to Jesus!
A step from sin to grace;
What has thy heart decided
The moments fly apace?


Only a step to Jesus!
O why not come and say,
“Gladly to Thee my Savior,
I give myself away.”
