Words: Ear­ly La­tin (Ad coe­nam Ag­ni pro­vi­di); trans­lated from La­tin to Swed­ish by (1493-1552) (Nu kom­men är vår pås­ka­fröjd), and from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by (1843-1930), alt.

Music: All­mäch­tig­er Gott, (1598-1662). Al­ter­nate tune:

  • Splendor Pa­ter­nae, Plain­song, Mode I

O Paschal feast, what joy is thine!
We praise, dear Lord, Thy Name divine,
For Thou hast triumphed o’er the tomb;
No more we need to dread its gloom.

The tree where Thou wast offered up
Now bears the fruit of life and hope;
Thy precious blood for us was shed
That we might eat of heav’nly bread.

We thank Thee, Jesus, that Thy hand
Hath freed us from sin’s galling band;
No more its bondage need we fear,
The year of liberty is here.

O Paschal Lamb, God’s holy Son,
Through Whom redemption now is won,
Thou givest saving strength indeed
In all our conflicts, all our need.

As Thou didst rise on Easter Day,
Help us to rise from sin, we pray;
And at the end of earthly strife
Raise us, O Lord, to endless life.