Words: Verse 1, , Aus­er­les­e­ne Werke (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1816); verses 2-3, anon­y­mous (O du fröh­liche, o du se­lige, gnad­en­bring­ende Weih­nachts­zeit). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by , 1919.

Music: Si­cil­i­an Mar­ine­rs, from the The Eu­ro­pe­an Mag­a­zine and Lon­don Re­view, No­vem­ber 1792.

O thou joyful, O thou wonderful
Grace revealing Christmastide!
Jesus came to win us
From all sin within us;
Glorify, glorify the Holy Child!

O thou joyful, O thou wonderful
Love revealing Christmastide!
Loud hosannas singing,
And all praises bringing,
May Thy love, may Thy love with us abide.

O thou joyful, O thou wonderful
Peace revealing Christmastide!
Darkness disappeareth,
God’s own light now neareth,
Peace and joy, peace and joy to all betide.
