Words: , 1650; translated from German to English by (1863-1949).
Music: Kalmar, Swedish tune, 1676. Alternate tune:
If you know when the words were translated, or where to get a picture of Johann Franck or Augustus Nelson
Praise the Lord, each tribe and nation,
Praise Him with a joyous heart;
Ye who know His full salvation,
Gather now from every part;
Let your voices glorify,
In His temple, God on high.
He’s our God, and our Creator,
We, His flock and chosen seed:
He, our Lord and Liberator,
Us from sin and peril freed:
And at last His flock shall rest
In the mansions of the blest.
Give Him thanks within His portals;
In the courts His deeds proclaim;
Hither come, ye ransomed mortals,
Glorify our Savior’s Name.
Ever kind and loving, He
Keeps His faith eternally.