Words: , 1714 (Ringe recht wenn Gott­es Gnade); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by , Lyra Ger­man­i­ca, first ser­ies, 1855. This hymn is said to be based on the fa­vo­rite Scrip­ture pas­sag­es of Ur­su­la Ma­ria Zorn of Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny, and was first pub­lished at the end of her fun­er­al ser­mon by Jo­hann Ly­si­us, pas­tor of St. George’s Church in Berlin.

Music: Ringe Recht, , Erbau­lich­er Mu­sic­al­ischer Christ­en-Schatz (Ba­sel, Switz­er­land: 1745).

Strive aright when God doth call thee,
When He draws thee by His grace,
Cast off all that would enthrall thee,
And deter thee from the race.

Wrestle, till thy zeal is burning
And thy love is glowing warm,
All that earth can give thee spurning,
Half love will not bide the storm.

Perfect truth will love to follow
Watchfully our Master’s ways;
Seeks not comfort poor and hollow,
Looks not for reward or praise.

Soldiers of the cross, take courage!
Watch and war ’mid fear and pain;
Daily conquering sin and sorrow,
Till our King o’er earth shall reign.