Words: , The Her­mi­tage (New York: Ley­poldt & Holt, 1868).

Music: Gar­den Ci­ty, , 1890. Al­ter­nate tunes:

  • St. Thom­as (Will­iams), , 1770
  • Swabia, , in Da­vids Harpf­fen-Spiel (Hei­del­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1745); ar­ranged by , 1847

Send down Thy truth, O God;
Too long the shadows frown;
Too long the darkened way we’ve trod:
Thy truth, O Lord, send down.

Send down Thy Spirit free,
Till wilderness and town
One temple for Thy worship be:
Thy Spirit, O send down.

Send down Thy love, Thy life,
Our lesser lives to crown,
And cleanse them of their hate and strife:
Thy living love send down.

Send down Thy peace, O Lord:
Earth’s bitter voices drown
In one deep ocean of accord:
Thy peace, O God, send down.