Words: , 1858.

Music: Eli­hu S. Rice, 1866.

While sec­re­ta­ry and chor­is­ter of the Bap­tist Sun­day-school at Lo­gans­port, Mr. Rice com­posed the mu­sic of this song and sent it to the Rev. Ro­bert Low­ry, then ed­it­or of the mu­sic­al de­part­ment of the “Young Reap­er,” a Sun­day-school pa­per pub­lished in Phil­a­del­phia. It was ac­cept­ed and first pub­lished in that per­i­od­ic­al. Years passed be­fore the com­pos­er real­ized its pop­u­lar­i­ty.

“The first no­tice I re­ceived,” he says, “of the fa­vor­a­ble re­cep­tion of ‘Shall we meet’ by the mu­sic­al pub­lic was from Mr. Sank­ey, in a ve­ry kind let­ter writ­ten in Au­gust, 1879, thir­teen years af­ter its first pub­li­ca­tion. While mu­sic has been writ­ten for those words by a num­ber of mu­sic­al com­pos­ers, I have the sa­tis­fac­tion of know­ing that my mu­sic has re­ceived the choice and ap­prov­al of Mr. Hast­ings, the au­thor of the words.”

Shall we meet beyond the river,
Where the surges cease to roll?
Where in all the bright forever,
Sorrow ne’er shall press the soul?


Shall we meet, shall we meet,
Shall we meet beyond the river?
Shall we meet beyond the river,
Where the surges cease to roll?

Shall we meet in that blest harbor,
When our stormy voyage is o’er?
Shall we meet and cast the anchor
By the fair, celestial shore?


Shall we meet in yonder city,
Where the towers or crystal shine?
Where the walls are all of jasper,
Built by workmanship divine?


Shall we meet with Christ our Savior,
When He comes to claim His own?
Shall we know His blessèd favor,
And sit down upon His throne?
