Words & Music: , 1887; the song is an­no­tat­ed “Sub­ject from M. E. I.”.

An ac­tive min­is­ter in the West in his boy­hood at­tend­ed our meet­ings in Mad­i­son Square Gar­den, and he says that his soul was thrilled by the sing­ing there. He writes to me, also, of this per­son­al ex­per­i­ence: “I was pass­ing through a town where I was known. At the close of a ser­vice which I had at­tend­ed the min­is­ter asked me to sing a so­lo. Pick­ing up ‘Gos­pel Hymns,’ I sang,

‘Some one will enter the pearly gates—
By and by, by and by…
Shall you? Shall I?’

“In the au­di­ence was a well-ed­u­cat­ed man, clear­ly un­der the in­flu­ence of li­quor. He af­ter­ward said that he for­got or failed to hear the ve­ry able ser­mon. But he heard the song; and for days af­ter ‘Shall you? Shall I?’ kept ring­ing in his ears, un­til he fin­al­ly had to give his heart to God. He is now a faith­ful min­is­ter in the Meth­od­ist church.”

Some one will enter the pearly gates—
By and by, by and by,
Taste of the glories that there await,
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?
Someone will travel the streets of gold,
Beautiful visions will there behold,
Feast on the pleasures so long foretold:
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?

Someone will gladly his cross lay down
By and by, by and by,
Faithful approved, shall receive a crown,
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?
Someone the glorious King will see,
Ever from sorrow of earth be free,
Happy with Him thro’ eternity:
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?

Someone will knock when the door is shut
By and by, by and by,
Hear a voice saying, “I know you not,”
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?
Someone will call and shall not be heard,
Vainly will strive when the door is barred,
Someone will fail of the saint’s reward:
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?

Someone will sing the triumphant song
By and by, by and by,
Join in the praise with the blood-bought throng,
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?
Someone will greet on the golden shore
Loved ones of earth who have gone before,
Safe in the glory forevermore:
Shall you? shall I? Shall you? shall I?